
Our CAD training programmes are meticulously designed to help professionals enhance their skills effectively, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet the demands of their roles.

Our professional trainers are not just software experts but also possess extensive industry experience. This unique blend allows Majenta to offer courses that are highly relevant and immediately applicable in professional settings.

Our courses

Nissan G2B Training | 1 day | In-house

Participants in this course will develop a thorough understanding of G2B and TCP3, focusing on the expectations and requirements for Nissan suppliers. This training is essential for suppliers looking to align closely with Nissan’s operational standards.

Nissan G2B and Paperless Online Training | 2 x 60 mins | Online

This on-demand course is designed to familiarise suppliers with Nissan’s latest tools and applications, enabling them to integrate these technologies seamlessly into their workflows.

Nissan Paperless Model Training | 1 day | In-house

This course offers detailed insights into working with Nissan’s specific techniques and quality requirements. It includes practical training on supporting Nissan with NSTK installations using TCP3, boosting confidence and competence in these critical areas.

Nissan Supplier Advanced Course | 1 day | In-house

Designed for those who need to understand Nissan’s tender requirements, design change processes, and data management workflows in detail. This advanced course provides practical knowledge crucial for compliance and operational efficiency with Nissan.

Customised training courses

Bespoke training programmes

As well as our predefined courses, we develop bespoke training programmes tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Whether you require adjustments to our existing curriculum to better suit your project needs or need a completely redesigned course, our team is equipped to design and deliver solutions that fit perfectly with your requirements.

Our approach involves a thorough consultation to understand the unique challenges and objectives of each client. This ensures that every training session is both informative and directly applicable to your specific business context.

The Majenta Difference


Our courses are crafted to reflect the latest industry requirements, ensuring you receive the most current and applicable information.


Our instructors bring real-world experience into the classroom, providing valuable insights beyond the basic software functionality.


We focus on practical exercises that simulate real-world challenges, enhancing retention of new skills.


We offer flexible delivery methods to suit various learning styles and logistical needs.


Frequently asked questions

How does Majenta handle post-training support and reinforcement of learning?

We provide various support resources, including access to online tutorials, follow-up webinars, and Q&A sessions with trainers. Additionally, participants receive course materials that can be used as reference tools for applying learned skills in real-world scenarios. Majenta also offers follow-up assessments and refresher courses to reinforce the initial training and ensure that knowledge is retained and effectively implemented in the workplace.

What formats are available for Majenta's training courses, and how flexible are the scheduling options?

Majenta offers a variety of training formats including in-house sessions, online webinars, and live online courses, providing flexibility to accommodate different learning preferences and logistical needs. We understand that scheduling can be a challenge, especially in dynamic business environments, so we offer flexible scheduling options that include full-day, half-day, or modular sessions spread over several days or weeks.

Can Majenta customise training programmes to focus on specific challenges or technologies our company is facing?

Yes. Through a consultative process, we gather insights into your company's workflow, project requirements, and technological setup to develop a training programme that targets your specific issues. This bespoke approach enhances learning outcomes and ensures that training content is directly aligned with your current workflows and projects, providing a more effective and immediately beneficial learning experience.

How does Majenta ensure the training content remains compliant with evolving industry standards?

We maintain a rigorous curriculum review process that involves constant updates and revisions to ensure alignment with the latest industry standards and technological advancements. Our close partnerships with leading companies and software providers allow us to stay ahead of industry trends and incorporate the latest best practices into our training programmes. Regular feedback from participants and industry experts also plays a crucial role in our content update cycle, ensuring our training remains relevant and effective.

What sets Majenta’s training programmes apart from other providers?

Our instructors are both experts in their technical fields and seasoned professionals with extensive industry experience. This allows them to impart practical knowledge that goes beyond theory, making it immediately applicable in workplace scenarios. Our commitment to relevance and practicality ensures that participants leave with skills that can enhance their operational efficiency and compliance with industry standards.

Make an enquiry

Send us a message and we'll be in touch to discuss how Majenta can assist in achieving your business goals.

Visit Us
Visit our Midlands head office address in Coventry.
3 Argosy Court, Scimitar Way, Whitley Business Park,
Coventry, CV3 4GA
Help & Support
For help & support contact us via phone or email below.
+44 (0) 20 33 197 055
[email protected]