Here at majenta teamwork means everything to us. Every team is built with unique and incredible individuals who do exceptional jobs that allow majenta to be the successful and thriving company that we’re proud to be a part of. Experience and individuality are what creates our unparalleled teams which is why it’s essential to recognise and celebrate diversity.

This year to honour International Women’s Day, we have asked the lovely ladies who work extremely hard for us here at majenta what career and general life advice they would give to their 15-year-old selves.

Here are some of the pieces of advice we have collected:

Only 6 more years of education and it will fly – so take your time and remember to focus on what matters! You won’t get the 6 years back!

Keep a successful attitude always and then success will naturally follow but also remember to have fun whilst you’re working hard as it’s also the best 6 years of your life.

-Rosie McCarthy

Listen to your mother!

-Donna Callan

Start with the end in mind… DARE TO FAIL!

Believe in yourself, be brave, ambitious, make a plan and GO FOR IT! Trust your gut and your instincts more than your head, your heart or others… Don’t listen to negative people – live your own life. Make your own mistakes.  Persevere, persevere, persevere! Especially when tough times hit, when you’re going through Hell… keep on going! Never give up!

Take informed risks and work your butt off for what really matters to you. In every area of your life, always put extra care and attention into everything you do and go above and beyond what is expected of you – Be so good they can’t ignore you.

Remember, you and your family come first, everything else after. FORGIVE yourself and others for the mistakes made along the way but always learn, learn, learn.  Naivety is one thing stupidity and ignorance is another. Respect yourself and maintain your integrity. It doesn’t matter what others think of you only what you think of yourself at your core.

Don’t ever be generic, be genuine!  …Now, go forth and know this … everything will be ok!

-Tereasa Wilkinson

Don’t stop wanting your dream just to suit other people. If it’s what you want or dream of then GO FOR IT! No one can live your life for you. And no matter who they are, no one has the right to say you can’t or shouldn’t do something you’ve always wanted to.

Be selfish and put yourself first, believe in yourself and don’t allow anyone to make you doubt that. Don’t give up on YOUR dream for anyone – you will regret it!  Better to say ‘I tried my best’ than ‘I was too scared to try’.

Never rely on anyone else to get you what you want, you are responsible for you, if you allow someone into your life it’s because they’re worth it not because you need it.

But most of all smile, it makes everything feel better.

-Amanda Morby

Pensions are important! Start saving from your first salary and keep going with it, one day you will be so pleased you did.

Take control of your own finances and protect your own interests, don’t ever rely on a man to do it all for you.

-Alison Hill

Be proud to be a young woman, take pride in who you are as a person and as a woman – you have the ability to do GREAT things in your life, but sometimes it is tough, you need to believe in yourself and be you number one advocate, then you can take on any fight… Create opportunities for yourself and never be afraid to take a giant leap, life is what you make of it, don’t be scared.

And, don’t be afraid to make decisions, if you make a bad decision, then make another one. No drama.

-Rhian Zielinski

Failing at something will always feel like the end of the world, but I can assure you with the right attitude and hard work you’ll be laughing before you know it.

-Kitty McMahon

At the age of 15 you waited in anticipation for Top of The Pops on a Thursday. Life just seemed a little more simple then. And there is my advice KEEP it simple, don’t complicate things. Love Life. Love family and appreciate good friends.

-Lucy Wheeler

Always be kind and happy to others… if life rains on your parade, dance in it! There’s no time limit on where you should be in life. It’s okay to be unsure on your on where your path is taking you, just go with it and see where life takes you.

-Chloe Ward

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